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How to Prepare Your Vacation Rental for Guests

Travel Green

Hosting strangers at your property can be a daunting task. You want to provide a space for renters to enjoy, but also make sure you're property is safe from damage. Depending on how many renters you have and how many properties you own, managing a rental space can be challenging for anyone's schedule.

Over the years, we've identified numerous ways to enhance your visitors' experience (and save you time) by removing some of the hassles involved in the management of your vacation rental(s).

The Basics, What Every Guest Looks For:

It should go without saying, but all other enhancements to your rental will most likely fail without the following:

Provide guests with a clean (and safe) space.

Make sure you prioritize this over all other features. How?

1. Provide extra linens.

2. Hire a cleaning service to clean between guests.

2. Change the code to your security gate or door after every guest.

3. Create a communication channel for your guest in case of questions or emergencies.

4. Install all required safety devices. (Carbon monoxide detector, smoke detector, fire extinguishers, etc.)

Travelers don't know the area as well as you do, so make the space clean and comfortable. *Safety is essential here, so don't cut corners.

How to Prepare Each Room

In addition to providing guests with a clean and safe space, there are numerous ways you can make your rental stand out from the others... and you don't have to increase your square footage. We know smaller apartment rentals, cabins, or tiny homes have limited space so we've also included ways to increase functionality in these small spaces.

Here are the room-to-room basics to prepare your rental for success.

1. The Kitchen:

Depending on your guests, this can be one of the most important, or least important, spaces in the house. Prepare the space with the basics, but don't worry about installing a new stand mixer.

The kitchen should be organized and functional.

The Basics:

  • Silverware. Provide enough silverware for the number of guests listed on your space for at least 3 days (No one wants to do dishes every day!) Sharp knives to chop fresh vegetables are also important here.

  • Dishes. Provide 3-4 extra bowls and plates per guest, some will function for serving, mixing, sorting, etc.

  • Appliances. Your kitchen should contain a freezer, refrigerator, microwave, stove top, oven, and dishwasher.

  • Cookware. Try to include all the basic cooking supplies like a baking dish, spatulas, skillets, pots, tongs, mixing bowls, and measuring cups/spoons. Extra points for baking sheets (who doesn't love cookies?)

  • The Extras. No one wants to buy extra supplies on a vacation. Stock your drawers with a can opener, bottle opener, oven mitts, pizza cutter, knife set, or a (few) cutting boards.

Space Savers:

This can be a tough one in a kitchen, but we've found a few ways to save space by following the general rule of tiny-homes: make everything multi-functional!

  • Cut out the pantry if you need- short-term renters don't need to store much. Make space above the fridge or clean out a cabinet for non-perishable food storage.

  • A single burner range can save space (easily purchased at a camping supply store).

  • Remove the dishwasher. It may be convenient, but providing dish soap and cleaning supplies can supplement it. If this feels too limiting, provide additional silverware.

  • Remove the oven. It's nice to have, but the burner can provide enough hot food. But, remove this last, we all like our baked goods.

2. The Living Room:

Most of your guests will spend their time in this space. Make it welcoming. Provide decorations and fill the space with local attractions or travel. Provide guests with a sense of familiarity and entice them to explore.

The Basics:

Make this a social and relaxation space for guests by providing the following:

  • Entertainment. Provide a large T.V. This can include a D.V.D player, game console, and access to streaming apps via Roku or a Smart T.V. Also include well known and family-friendly board games. (Your avid board-gamer will typically bring their own.)

  • Ample seating. Enough space should be provided to sit the maximum occupancy of your rental. Allow for five guests? Make sure you have at least five seats.

  • Comforts. Blankets, pillows for every seat, a rug in homes with wood/tile flooring.

  • A large table, to serve for board games, or dinner (many people like to eat with the T.V.)

Saving Space:

The living room serves as a place of comfort, but many people find comfort in different ways. For this reason, we recommend reducing the size or number of most of the above objects, instead of removing them. Below are a few ideas for saving space in a smaller living room.

  • Provide one large couch, with a pullout bed. This could allow extra bedding while still providing sleeping space.

  • Reduce the size of the T.V. It's nice to have a large screen, but if it makes extra room, it could be worth it.

  • Purchase tables that create storage for blankets, board games, etc.

3. The Bedroom:

Comfort is key in this space. Don't skimp out and buy cheap pillows, linens, comforters, or mattresses. Providing quality bedding is worth the investment. Follow these tips to make sure your guests are happy.

The Basics:

  • All bedding should be clean of stains and clear of tears (with all bedding being white). Beds are intimate spaces, you don't want to make them feel "used".

  • Provide pillows with different levels of softness (soft, medium, firm). They don't need to all be on the bed or in a cabinet, instead, put different levels of softness in the decorative pillows, providing function to decoration.

  • Include extra bedding, just in case. Additional blankets and sheets can help with changing weather, without a call to the landlord.

  • Include space for clothing. This could be a dresser or closet.

  • Ironing board and iron. Traveling is a wrinkly business. Help your guests feel sharp by providing a solution.

  • A Safe/lockbox. Many guests travel with valuable that they don't want to take with them outside of the rental. Provide a space to store these items without worry.

Saving Space:

  • Create storage beneath the bed. This can substitute for a closet/dresser, and remove some cleaning time.

  • Remove the lockbox, as a last resort. It's a nice addition, but if you find yourself looking to make more room, then consider cutting the lockbox from your plans, as removing anything else limits comfort.

4. The Bathroom:

Rules for the bedroom extend into the bathroom. Don't make the space feel used. Keep it clean, and replace what you can (or better yet, repair it).

The Basics:

  • Shower, Sink, Mirror, Toilet, Toilet Paper, and Towels. As expected, these are the basics, but there a few ways to add to this.

  • A shower door. Curtains can get messy and gross.

  • An easy to operate shower. Make sure the plumber didn't flip the metal plate for "hot" and "cold", turn the nozzle upside down, and leave the showerhead on the "mist" setting. Keep things simple.

  • An energy-efficient and hair-healthy blow dryer (we prefer the BarBar ECO-8000 Hairdryer).

  • Soap, Shampoo, and Conditioner. A lot of travelers have small bottles of these or don't travel with them at all. Make them feel at home by providing hair-healthy options (cut the sulfate if you can).

Saving Space:

  • Shelves above the toilet. Place towels, soap, or leave this space empty for guests.

  • Mount a mirror to the back of the bathroom door.

5. The Backyard:

Okay, so you don't have a yard. No problem. Think of this space as an extension of the living room. It's where you can go to get some fresh air and enjoy a little nature. It's a place of relaxation and socialization (with a little cooking thrown in).

The Basics:

  • Like the living room, provide sitting space, this doesn't have to be ample, unless you plan to host a pool party. Make sure this space has an option for shade, whether it's a covering or umbrella.

  • Add a grill. The smell of charcoal or propane is familiar to most people (the choice of which is a debate for the ages). Include a grill to allow for different food variety and summer fun.

  • Add a pool, jacuzzi, or both. If you have space, and money, consider adding a pool or jacuzzi. Many renters search for locations with pools included, while jacuzzis can up the level of comfort or become the selling point for a romantic getaway.

Saving Space:

  • Install a side burner, instead of a grill. This can save space on balconies or small apartment porches.

  • Install an overhang and use a small side table, instead of a larger one, providing shade and seating.

  • Check the area for popular swimming locations. Guests may find it more rewarding to visit the local lake than take a dip in the pool.

6. Other Amenities

Your other amenities span across your entire rental, so we've listed them here instead of under a specific room. Make sure you have the basics to help renters enjoy their stay!

  • Internet. Provide a wifi connection and an ethernet port if possible. This connection should be strong enough for at least three devices aiming for 50+ Mbps.

  • Laundry. Either provide information for laundry services or include a washer and dryer.

  • Air Conditioning and Heating. Keep. Guests. Comfortable.

  • First Aid Kit. Provide bandages, anti-septic, and additional medical supplies depending on the location of your rental. If your space is in the woods, far from a hospital, provide additional material beyond the listed by consulting medical and safety sources/professionals.

  • Trashcan and Recycling. Make sure these are a decent size, especially if you have a large number of guests. Incentivize recycling by making it easy. We are Sustainable Properties for a reason!

Spicing Things Up!

We have provided a list of additions to consider adding to your rental. These are not necessary, but can really improve your renters' experience, helping you stand out amongst the competition and maintain bookings.

  1. Phone Chargers. Providing additional spaces to charge a phone shows consideration for your guests, especially if they forgot theirs.

  2. Digital Guestbook. This can be physical too, as long as it's in a visible space. But, turning this digital through social media can work in your favor as a promotional device! Use Instagram to share guest discoveries (restaurants, fun activities, etc.) Consider offering guests a reduced price booking if they participate.

  3. Local Promotions. This can be a nice way to make guests feel welcome, while also supporting your community. Promote the local farmers market, or maybe stock the fridge with a few beers from the local brewery (as long as your guests are 21+).

  4. Movie/Game Shelf. Provide a large shelf of different movies and video games, just make sure you have a nice variety of genres.

  5. Coffee Bar. A Keurig with coffee pods can be a nice addition. We recommend providing environmentally friendly pods or ground coffee.

  6. Solar. Installing solar can be a huge money saver, and better for the planet. And better yet, Sustainable Properties roots are in the solar industry, so we've experienced the benefits first-hand.

  7. Dietary Restrictive Supplies. If you want to include baking supplies, consider providing dietary restrictive alternatives. This extra step can be somewhat expensive though, so consider asking your guests before they arrive, and providing the materials if need be.

  8. Spice Rack. Some guests like to cook, but spices can be very expensive. Providing a spice rack is a simple way to spice things up (yes, pun intended). This way, your guests can make the dishes they want, without feeling limited.

  9. Landlord Notes. Ever receive the same question from multiple guests? Or, maybe you know someone will try to mess with something in the rental? Placing small notes on devices, appliances, and around the space can reduce the need to contact the landlord, providing guests with immediate answers.

  10. Sound System. Adding music can liven up any location. By providing a simple set of speakers, and a voice command device, you can allow guests to listen to music at their leisure.

By implementing these tips we believe you can create an amazing experience for all of your guests. And, by adding a little extra to your rental, you can make guests feel even more welcome, setting you on the track towards success.



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